In terms of G.O. No. 510-Edn(C.S.) dated 28.05.2007, approval was accorded to the establishment of Onda Thana Mahavidyalaya, P.O.-Murakata, Dist Bankura from the session 2007-08 with creation 5 posts of lecturers in five subjects (Pol. Science, History, English, Bengali, Philosophy) and the post of Principal and other N.T.S. posts. Affiliation was also given from the University of Burdwan (vide Ref. No. IC/Affen. /P/ 141/941 dated 06/06/2007),From the session 2008-09, affiliation has been given for introducing Bengali (Hons.), History (Hons.) Sanskrit (General), and Geography (General), from the session 2009-10 affiliation has been given for introducing English (Hons), from the session 2010-11 affiliation has been given for introducing Physical Education and from the session 2011-12 affiliation has been given for introducing Sanskrit (Hons) , from the session 2013-14 affiliation has been given for introducing Education (General) also. At present the college has a sanctioned strength of 13 teaching posts and 1288 student for the session 2016-17.The College is happy to announce that very recently in 2017 it has been recognized under section 2F & 12B of UGC.