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Best Practice- 1 

Green Campus for Environmental Sustainability 

Onda Thana Mahavidyalaya has been at the forefront of implementing eco-friendly initiatives to promote sustainability in its rural campus. The college has set clear objectives to achieve its vision, including the maintenance of a green campus through tree plantation, preservation of a pollution-free environment, propagation of environmental awareness, cultivation of medicinal and herbal plants, and the utilization of renewable energy sources such as solar panels, solar lamps, and LED bulbs.

In addition to these objectives, the college has implemented various measures to promote an eco-friendly campus, including tree plantation and horticultural initiatives, establishment of a plastic-free campus, cultivation of a herbal garden, encouragement of bicycling and creation of pedestrian-friendly pathways, implementation of solid waste management systems, integration of solar panels, adoption of paperless office practices, provision of clean and safe drinking water, organization of campus cleaning drives, and conduct of awareness programs.

These initiatives have not only enhanced the aesthetic appeal of the campus but also influenced the academic and learning abilities of faculty members and students. However, the college has faced challenges such as geographical disadvantages due to its rural location, infrastructural limitations stemming from inadequate funds, and reliance on generators due to frequent power outages. Despite these constraints, the college remains committed to promoting and practicing eco-conscious behaviour, making significant contributions to sustainability.

Best Practice-2 Women Empowerment 

Objective: The aim is to empower young women as valuable contributors to the global society by providing them with quality education and opportunities for comprehensive development, enabling them to cultivate high intellectual capabilities alongside spiritual, cultural, and ethical values.

Context: The institution has wholeheartedly embraced best practices to empower young women through the provision of quality education and opportunities for comprehensive development.

The Practice: The institution hosts expert sessions, talks, and guest lectures on various topics related to health, social causes, and personality development. Awareness camps focusing on women's rights, safety, human rights, environmental conservation, and other pertinent issues are organized, utilizing mediums such as posters, rallies, and skits to equip young women to address social challenges. Additionally, personal counselling sessions are conducted regularly to address wellness and life management. Furthermore, self-defence classes are organized to promote self-awareness, street safety, physical fitness, and reflexes. The institution fosters a sense of unity and cultural understanding by celebrating festivals of all religions with great enthusiasm, aiming to nurture young women into responsible citizens of society. Furthermore, debates, speech competitions, and the annual college magazine serve as platforms for enhancing students' speaking and writing skills. Yoga and sports classes are offered to promote overall fitness, stress relief, and inner peace. Workshops are also organized to provide vocational training, thus fostering a practical approach.

Evidence of Success: Various awareness and gender sensitization programs at the institution have inspired the college girls. Committees and cells dedicated to gender issues strive to alleviate negative feelings of inequality, diffidence, and shyness among women students in various socio-cultural contexts. Increased student participation in academic and co-curricular activities has elevated creativity and individual thought processes, a testament to the collaborative efforts of faculty and students.

Challenges Faced: The scheduling of various programs during working hours sometimes necessitates compromises in-class work. Additionally, implementing and monitoring the annual plan has proven challenging due to the institution's rigorous academic schedule.

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