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Code of Conduct for the Students

1. Students must adhere to the highest standards of discipline and maintain dignified behaviour both inside and outside the college campus. They are required to strictly abide by the rules and regulations of the college and conduct themselves in a manner that exemplifies the discipline and esteem of the college.

2. It is mandatory for every college student to carry a valid identity card with a recent photograph and signature of the principal, well displayed while on campus.

3. All students must arrive on time for class. No latecomers will be allowed. Students must ensure at least 75% attendance otherwise they may not be slowed to sit for the Internal Assessment.

4. students must stand up as soon as the teacher enters the classroom, and they must continue standing until the teacher takes their seat or allows them to sit. Absolute silence is to be always maintained during class hours.

5. Students are not permitted to enter or exit the classroom during a session unless given explicit permission by the teacher.

6. Students must be punctual and regular in attending classes, tutorials, class tests examinations etc.

7. Ragging, anti-institutional, anti-national, antisocial, communal, immoral or political expressions and activities within the Campus are strictly prohibited and will not be tolerated under any circumstances. Any individual found indulging in such activities will be subject to strict disciplinary action which may include expulsion from the institution. Harassing juniors, misbehaviour towards female students, or any such form of ragging is completely unacceptable and will be treated as a criminal offence, with legal action taken against the perpetrator. We take a strong stance against any kind of misconduct and are committed to maintaining a safe and secure campus environment for all.

8. If any student is affected by ragging on college premises, they must immediately inform the Principal or ICC and Anti-Ragging Committee Convener.

9. It is important for students to check both online and offline notice boards regularly. Failure to do so will result in no excuse being considered for any missed information.

10. During class hours, it is important to maintain silence. Any behaviour that deviates from this rule, such as playing cards, spitting tobacco products, hooting, whistling, loitering, etc., will be considered an act of indiscipline. No student is allowed to enter or leave the classroom while the session is in progress without the permission of the teacher in charge.

11. All students must attend entire college sessions, functions, seminars, and conferences.

12. Consuming Alcohol, Smoking, chewing paan, paan masala, gutkha or any other tobacco products, smoking or consumption of any other intoxicating products is strictly prohibited.

13. Any act of attempted theft or damage to any property that belongs to the college community, including assets, buildings, equipment, or any personal or public property, whether on or off-campus, will be considered as a punishable offence. The college administration takes this matter very seriously and will investigate any such incidents thoroughly. Individuals found guilty of such offences will be subject to disciplinary action, which may include suspension, expulsion, or even legal consequences, depending on the severity of the offence. It is the responsibility of every member of the college community to report any such incidents promptly to the appropriate authorities.

14. It is mandatory for students to use designated areas like classrooms, libraries, or other academic spaces for independent study. Sitting in common areas or staircases is strictly prohibited, as it can disrupt the regular movement of others. Any violation of this policy will not be tolerated and may result in disciplinary action.

15. It is the responsibility of every student to keep the classrooms, laboratories, and the campus clean and dispose of waste in the designated bins.

16. It is highly recommended that students utilize the library during their free time as much as possible.

18. It is strictly prohibited to disrupt teaching, administrative activity and other proceedings of the college.

19. There are CCTV cameras on the college premises, and everyone must follow disciplinary rules in the campus and classrooms.

20. It is imperative that students conserve electricity and water! They must switch off lights and fans when leaving the classroom, study room, library, or Geography lab. Wasting water is unacceptable and must be avoided at all costs.

21. It is strictly forbidden to write on walls, pillars, furniture, bathrooms, and whiteboards. Please refrain from doing so.

22. It is strictly prohibited for students to circulate, distribute, or display any printed material, be it physical or electronic, such as notices and banners, within the college campus without obtaining express permission from the principal/competent authority. Any violation of this rule will result in strict disciplinary action.

23. Meetings, propaganda work, processions, or fund collections that are not authorized are strictly prohibited within the College.

24. It is expected that students take full advantage of the academic, co-curricular, and extracurricular facilities available to them to achieve physical fitness, academic competency, mental alertness, and social sensitivity.

25. Girls have exclusive access to the Girl's Common Room.

26. Mobile phones are strictly prohibited during class hours and must be always kept silent. Any breach of this rule will result in disciplinary action.

27. In case of any problem or medical emergency, college students should report immediately to their HOD or concerned teacher for assistance.

28. Each student must park their vehicle in the designated parking area of the college.

29. Any violation of the rules will result in a penalty, which may include a warning, a fine, or any other corrective measure deemed appropriate by a staff member or higher authority of the college, including contacting the student's parents.

Code of Conduct for Teachers

1. Teachers should report for duty on time and remain in the campus during working hours.

2. Teachers must enter their fingerprints in the college biometric machine after entering the college and sign the attendance register while reporting to duty.

3. Teachers should avoid using cell phones during class hours.

4. Teachers should complete the syllabus on time and be accountable for good results

5. Teachers maintain decorum both inside and outside the classroom and be a role model to the students.

6. Teachers should respect the ideals of democracy, patriotism, and peace

7. Teachers  should be punctual and honest in their vocation

8. Teachers should treat their colleagues in the same manner as they wish to be treated.

9. Teachers should speak respectfully of other teachers and other staff of the college, in all possible ways, assistance for their professional betterment.

10. Teachers should motivate students to improve their attributes and at the same time contribute to community welfare.

11. Teachers should encourage students to participate in both curricular and co-curricular and extensional activities.

12. Teachers should be friendly towards students and not behave in vindictive manner with them for any reason.

13. Teachers should meet students after class hours, if needed, and guide them.

14. Teachers must help the students to understand the importance of our national heritage, national goals & national integrity.

15. Teachers should treat students impartially regardless of their caste, creed religion, political, economic and social characteristics.

16. Teachers should cooperate and support the institution in carrying out the programmes related to the educational responsibilities such as advising and counselling students and facilitating the smooth conduct of college examinations including supervision, invigilation and evaluation.

17. The Heads of the Departments shall lead, manage and develop the departments. Prepare an academic plan for every semester and ensure proper implementation of the same continually.

18. Teachers should come to the aid of the institution in whichever official capacity is required by the concerned authority.


Code of Conduct for Non-Teaching Staff


1. The non-teaching staff should report for duty on time and remain on the campus during working hours.

2. The non-teaching staff should enter their fingerprint in the college biometric machine after entering the college and sign the attendance register while reporting to duty.

3. The non-teaching staff should create and maintain an amiable yet professional relationship with both students and other staff members.

4. The non-teaching staff should Treat students with dignity, care and kindness.

5. The non-teaching staff should be supportive and cooperative with other staff members

6. The non-teaching staff should be responsible and punctual while maintaining the required standards for every assigned task.

7. The non-teaching staff should establish mutual respect, trust and confidentiality

8. The non-teaching staff should be committed to the well-being of individuals, the wider community and the common good of all people.

9. The non-teaching staff must respect and maintain the hierarchy in the Administration.

10. The non-teaching staff should adhere strictly to the official resumption/ closing time and must dress decently and appropriately.

11. The non-teaching staff must not use/employ unauthorized persons to perform official duties.

12. The non-teaching staff should obtain prior permission from the concerned authority before taking leave from his/her duties. In case of sickness or absence on medical grounds, a medical certificate to the satisfaction of the college authorities shall be produced within a week.

13. The non-teaching staff should come to the aid of the institution in whichever official capacity is required by the concerned authority.